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[槍棍組] Star Wars Rogue One官方小說少許片段節錄翻譯

網上訂購的原版小說終於到貨, 直接翻到後面看小隊各人迎接死亡的部份。明明已經知道劇情, 卻還是看得我透不過氣來, 他們兩人活得無比痛苦, 還好有對方的陪伴支撐着自己。

抄了兩段Baze和Chirrut的英文原文, 簡單翻譯了一下, 小學生文筆, 文力不夠, 翻譯水評負分, 大家湊合看哈, 不對的地方還請指出Orzz。

祝大家情人節快樂,  希望大家啃哥嫂甜到蛀牙, 希望大家能像baze和chirrut一樣找到生命中的另一半。



    Whatever Chirrut had become in his life - and without the temple he could not truly be a Guardian of the Whills, without joy and frovolity he could not be a clown and jokester among sober peers, without the Holy City he could not be a protector of his beloved world- whatever he was, he was not a warrior at heart, and the events of the day had eroded his spirit. While Baze, his brother and ward, had embraced his role with vicious resolve, Chirrut had fought and run and killed because fighiting and running and killing were necessary. 

    Now they were necessary no longer, and he was glad. 

無論奇魯成了甚麼人---沒有聖殿他成不了Whills的守護者、沒有了快樂和詼諧的心他成不了嚴肅的同伴之中愛開玩笑的笑匠、沒有聖城他成不了他所喜愛的世界的保護者---無論他成了甚麼, 他從來也不是一位戰士, 而今天的戰鬥在腐蝕着他的靈魂。而貝茲, 他的兄弟和護衛, 則以堅決的決心接受了他的角色。奇魯在戰鬥、奔跑、殺戮; 因為戰鬥、奔跑、殺戮都是必須的。

而現在這些都不再需要了, 他非常高興。


    The violence inflicted upon his body troubled him less than the violence he had inflicted upon others. 

    He was dying, of course. 

他遭受的傷比起他過去給予別人的傷害, 都沒有那麼折磨。

毫無疑問, 他正在死去。



    "The Force is with me," he repeated, "And I am with the Force." 
Did he believe the words? Did it matter? Had it ever mattered? 

"原力與我同在, "他重複說。"我與原力同在。"

他相信這些字句嗎? 這重要嗎? 這從來重要過嗎? 


    He spoke the words, and in them he found not comfort but conviction - or the memory of conviction, as if the words were a key to the forgotten faith of his youth. The unlocked memory strangled him, wracking and intense. He knew again the significance of the Force in every breath and action, knew all he had forsaken in years past; saw the vast gulf between the Guardian he had been and the man he was now; and wept in his heart for both. He gently laid the body down and raised his cannon, identified a trooper who was tesing to fire; he sent an energy blast through the trooper's chest and sent him reeling in the sand and dirt. As the rest of the squad, returned a fusillade, Baze squeezed his trigger, held it and let his generator scream and his weapon writhe and buck. He althernated swift bursts and raging, aimless streams with precision killings. He advanced on the men and women who had taken his past, his home, his friend, his hope, his faith; but he did not stray far from Chirrut. 

    He had nowhere to go. He would not leave Chirrut now. 

    他念着那些文字, 從中他找不到安慰, 但找回了信念---又或者記憶中的信念---這些隻言片語像條鑰匙般開啟了那道忘卻了的年青信仰。缺堤的回憶淹沒了他, 為他帶來極大的痛苦。他再次明白原力埋在每一處, 明白他拋棄了的歲月; 看到了他以前當聖殿護衛和他現在所為之間那巨大的鴻溝, 為這兩人感到哀傷。他溫柔地把軀體放下, 舉起槍, 發現了名準備開槍的風暴兵。他發射了一記能量炮, 它穿透了士兵的胸口, 士兵倒下滾到沙塵上。對餘下的風暴兵隊伍, 他發出猛射。貝茲扣動扳機, 抱着槍管, 讓發動機和他的武器扭動狂跳。他快速交替掃射, 漫無目的地精準射殺。他向着那些男人和女人進攻, 這些人奪去了他的過去、他的家、他的朋友、他的希望、他的信仰; 但他沒有遠離奇魯。

    他無處可去, 他不會離開奇魯身邊。

